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Friday, December 18, 2009

"Happy Birthday Jesua, Happy Birthday Christman"

I was wondering the other day while I was driving down the highway: Just how did Mary and Joseph celebrate their firstborn son's birthday. What was that first "he's one year old" birthday party like in their home?  Did they realize that Jesua was 'one year old plus infinity'? How did Jesua's earthly parents remember "the first Noel"?

What feelings came to them as they thought back to Jesua's first night on this earth?

Well what do you think of when you think about your first born child's birth: The water breaking; the call to the doctor; the rush to the hospital; or the calling of the midwife; the "miracle of his/her birth"; checking out the fingers and toes; the call to parents and family and friends and on and on and on?

Ok, now add a few other details to their story: the inablity to find a place to stay that first night in Bethleham; the labor pains increasing; finally a place--even if it was "a hole in the wall" old stable; and finally the birth of their first born son; remembering what the angel had said, "and you shall call him 'Jesua' for he shall save his people"; the shepherds showing up; their story of the Heavenly announcement and on and on and on.

Ok that's all the physical stuff going on. Now let's go deeper. Now can you just imagine the "spirit world" stuff: the Father looking down on His 'first and only begotten son'; the knowledge that the 'eternal had become flesh' just a momentary nine months earlier; now living carnal fetus: "Imanuel-God with us"; the proud Father who had "spoken the Word into Living Flesh" knowing also in that instance it was now "the beginning of the end." I can only imagine and I wonder: 'what was the Father thinking--REALLY': "What if My Son chooses His will over Mine, after all He is human now as well being part of Me?" (Kind of blows the mind doesn't it?)

What was going on in the spirit world that " Ole Holy Night"? The angels rejoicing--at least the host of the heavenly angels. What about the other "host of fallen angels" led by their "father Lucifer", what's going on with the outcasts? We get just a glimpse from the Apocolypse of John (see Revelation chapter 12) as the dragon tries to devour the Son of the woman. What amazing spiritual battles occur as they think "ok, you're in our territory now baby" and all the Forces of Hell clash with all the Heavenly Forces of Life. Now there's a "Real Life Connection" for you!

How do Jewish parents remember the birth of their first born? Goggle it and you will be amazed: "The first born son of a Jewish family". Well maybe that's "another blog story" and for now would you sing with me:

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday dear Jesua,
Happy Birthday to You."

How old are You,
How old are You,
You look like a Baby
And you smell like one Too.

What did infinity smell like on that first "Christman" morning? (No that wasn't a misprint.) The fresh aroma of all eternity given as all first fruits are given--in sacrifice back to the Giver of Life so that we might have "LIFE ETERNAL"


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His One and Only Son, that whosoever belives in Him might not perish but have everlasting LIFE". (Would you read John 3:16ff?)

On this "Christ-man Eve" believe again or for the first time: "Jesus Loves me this I know because the Word of Life tells me so".

Merry Christ-man EVERYONE!

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