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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yeshua is God's Middle Name and His Name Means Salvation

Yeshua the Messiah
(as written by a Messianic Jewish Believer)

Yeshua is the original Hebrew proper name for Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish Rabbi (and more) who lived from about 6 B.C.E. to 27 C.E. (A.D.) In other words, Yeshua was the name His mother called Him when shall called Him for supper.

Jesus is a mis-transliteration of the Greek mis-transliteration, Yeysu. (Some say the name Jesus probably developed from the name of the pagan god Zeus, but there is little or no evidence for this.) It is true that Emporer Constatine mistook Jesus for the Greek god Apollo, but that is another story.

It is the most proper to call Him Yeshua, since only in the Hebrew does His name have any meaning. In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, the "L-RD who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English, except as it is known as His name in English. (Therefore, we cannot deny the name Jesus, since this name commonly identifies the Messiah to English speaking people.)

Many people of the world believe Yeshua to be the promised Lamb of G-d, who was chosen to be sacrificed for all mankind's sin. The Bible declares that mankind must have a blood sacrifice to substitute punishment for their sins by placing them on the sacrifice, figuratively speaking. The sacrifice has to be blameless, else the punishment could not be substituted, since the thing sacrificed would be dying for its own sins. Clean and spotless animals were once sacrificed as a temporal measure until a fully qualified sacrifice could be supplied at the proper time. Followers of Yeshua believe He was that perfect sacrifice. He is a man, who could be properly substituted for mankind, yet G-d in the flesh, for only G-d is sinless. Only G-d Himself is a pure enough sacrifice to satisfy His holy justice, for all men have sinned.

Yeshua came speaking the Torah Word of G-d with absolute authority. He made no mistake in regards to all G-d's commands. Only G-d Himself could act this way. For this reason people accept Yeshua as G-d in the flesh. Not that G-d is consigned or limited to flesh, but that He can manifest Himself in whatever form He pleases to fulfill His task. Yeshua of Nazareth was and is the form of flesh that G-d was manifest in. In this form, Yeshua is the Son of G-d and the Son of Man.

Because Yeshua presented Himself with this absolute authority it is only logical to conclude He either is G-d or He is the world's greatest pretender, thus a liar and definitely a lunatic.

If Yeshua is G-d then He is the greatest Jew who ever lived, and an honor to the Jewish people. If He is not G-d then He is the worst Jew who ever lived and a disgrace to Jewishness.

Messianic Jews believe Yeshua to be the Messiah of Israel and G-d in the flesh, who will come again to deliver Israel from their persecutors. Amen.

Copyright 1996 - 2008 David M. Hargis. All rights reserved.

Thank you brother Hargis, may Yeshua's Shalom be on you and your family.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Smoking and The Great Trilemma: Yeshua was either Liar, Lunatic or Lord

After I admitted that I began smoking again I responded to my son, Dale who asked me "What kind of Nicotine?" Certainly there are different ways to get it into the system, many types of conveyors. There is smoking, chewing, snorting, eating, and I suppose even injecting. Oh don't forget "a little bit between the cheek and gum" as well as drinking. Any way it's addictive. Habits are usually replaced by other habits. Some "good" and others "bad".

I think I've discovered the only way to stop any behaviors we don't want is to decide to do so one day at a time. Addictive behaviors are tied into the emotions which come from our thinking. The consequences of unhealthy habits are negative.

So why did I start smoking again? Relapse. It's part of the process. Why do we do anything? Bottom line: choice. We can.

I appreciate all advice. Interesting word: "ADD-VICE" don't you think?

Thanks for all prayers and thoughts and advice.

I'm turning over this "VICE" to God. First step acknowledge it. Second step no denial. No blaming or minimizing or rationalizing it. It's mine to "deal with" and I'm glad I've got support.

Like all "thorns of the flesh" they all effect and affect the other aspects of our being: those being psychological and spiritual. Mind/Body/Soul=the "trinity of we humans.

Like the three aspects of Yeshua: Father.Son.Spirit all entwined. Separate and yet ONE. Hard to really fathom and harder still to imagine. How does a three dimensional being be the Same: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. And if we add the fourth dimension it gets even more complicated. What's the fourth dimension: Faith? Hope? Grace? Love? All four?

Maybe it's forgiveness. And who really knows how many other dimensions might exist? A riddle inside an enigma.

It seems to be beyond understanding. No science can fathom it much less "prove" it. Good science is theory based on the evidence we think we have which may be closer to faith than one might like or want to believe. The thing of philosophers and dreamers it is.

God is. Why are we so vain and arrogant that we might think we "know" God? Ask Job which some believe the most ancient of human stories.

Vanity of vanities. All is vanities. Who is "man" that he/she might think we mind know the Being know as the "Great I Am"?

What is God, l ask and say God is What. What was, what is and what will always be. Put God in a box and I bet you'll find that your box is to small.

So what is the truth which is a riddle wrapped in an enigma surrounded by a conundrum? A lost father standing at his gate waiting for his lost son to come home. Or is it he shepherd who leaves everything he has and goes looking for his one lost lamb? Or is it both? Or is it neither? I would like to believe that is both.

Think outside the box which could really a circle.

Yeshua said "I AM THE TRUTH." Who but the Eternal would dare make such a statement? He was either a liar, a lunatic or Lord. ***C.S Lewis said that AND IT'S CALLED THE GREAT TRILEMMA.

So why did I start smoking again? Stupid, dumb or nuts. And weak. I believe Yeshua directs my heart to use my weakness to prove a point. Similar to how He asked Hosea to marry a prostitute. And this time I'm not going to hide it like I've done in the past. In my weakness may His power be shown.

Yeshua's Shalom.

***Check out Lewis's book Mere Christianity.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Heartfelt Words to a Young Friend who Happens to be Wiccan.

Austin, I believe all things were made by Yeshua, the Creator. The only belief that really counts for me though is that a Jewish carpenter who called Himself the "I Am" died on a cross for me and you outside the walls of Jerusalem and now His Spirit lives in me. The rest of my beliefs pale to this. It is my prayer that you would add Yeshua to your belief one day.

Religion and religious beliefs are mostly human's vain attempts to save themselves. No bible or set of rules ever saved anybody. "Saved" means to me I am not my own, I belong to Him who called me out of darkness to the Light: Yeshua is Light.

I can not prove my belief in Him; I can only believe it with every ounce of my being. "Salvation" and "Church" are but two of the multitude of religious words that mean nothing if Yeshua is not the Eternal One who came to this earth as a man to show us what "God" really looks like. How this is possible I do not have a clue and simply believe it.

My life was so full of hypocrisy (a kind word for shit) and over my 63 years of life I've committed every "sin" known to man, either physically or in my heart. I've killed, I've committed unfaithfulness in and out of marriage. I've also done many "good" things. I thought I had all the answers and still there was a hole in my heart. In the name of "God" I beat my son and called him worthless (and much more, so much that it would fill the pages of Facebook). He was and is the most intelligent of people I've known. I taught him how to lie and be deceitful. I am so proud of my son, but I doubt if he will ever believe me and I do not blame him for any of my behaviors. I only blame myself.

Austin, I respect you for who you are just as I respect my son. No one has the right to hurt another human being, much less his own son. I am dedicated to non-violence in any of it's forms: verbal, non-verbal, emotional and physical. I teach men who have battered their families as I once did mine. I've worked for Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services for over ten years. I know I can never "make up" for what I've done and I am learning to forgive myself; yet I will not ever forgive myself for what I have done, for I believe my actions were unforgivable.

Yeshua from the cross said: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." He didn't say forgive them for what they were doing--for what they were doing was monstrous: killing the physical form of God. Yeshua said "forgive them" and His death was the one act that makes that possible. And I believe Yeshua forgives me, not my monstrous acts to my son or to others. I accepted His sacrifice in my place by accepting Him as the Lord of Life.

Yeshua's Shaloam.


Would you please prayerfully consider my words and pray for me as I also continue to pray for you.