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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Smoking and The Great Trilemma: Yeshua was either Liar, Lunatic or Lord

After I admitted that I began smoking again I responded to my son, Dale who asked me "What kind of Nicotine?" Certainly there are different ways to get it into the system, many types of conveyors. There is smoking, chewing, snorting, eating, and I suppose even injecting. Oh don't forget "a little bit between the cheek and gum" as well as drinking. Any way it's addictive. Habits are usually replaced by other habits. Some "good" and others "bad".

I think I've discovered the only way to stop any behaviors we don't want is to decide to do so one day at a time. Addictive behaviors are tied into the emotions which come from our thinking. The consequences of unhealthy habits are negative.

So why did I start smoking again? Relapse. It's part of the process. Why do we do anything? Bottom line: choice. We can.

I appreciate all advice. Interesting word: "ADD-VICE" don't you think?

Thanks for all prayers and thoughts and advice.

I'm turning over this "VICE" to God. First step acknowledge it. Second step no denial. No blaming or minimizing or rationalizing it. It's mine to "deal with" and I'm glad I've got support.

Like all "thorns of the flesh" they all effect and affect the other aspects of our being: those being psychological and spiritual. Mind/Body/Soul=the "trinity of we humans.

Like the three aspects of Yeshua: Father.Son.Spirit all entwined. Separate and yet ONE. Hard to really fathom and harder still to imagine. How does a three dimensional being be the Same: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. And if we add the fourth dimension it gets even more complicated. What's the fourth dimension: Faith? Hope? Grace? Love? All four?

Maybe it's forgiveness. And who really knows how many other dimensions might exist? A riddle inside an enigma.

It seems to be beyond understanding. No science can fathom it much less "prove" it. Good science is theory based on the evidence we think we have which may be closer to faith than one might like or want to believe. The thing of philosophers and dreamers it is.

God is. Why are we so vain and arrogant that we might think we "know" God? Ask Job which some believe the most ancient of human stories.

Vanity of vanities. All is vanities. Who is "man" that he/she might think we mind know the Being know as the "Great I Am"?

What is God, l ask and say God is What. What was, what is and what will always be. Put God in a box and I bet you'll find that your box is to small.

So what is the truth which is a riddle wrapped in an enigma surrounded by a conundrum? A lost father standing at his gate waiting for his lost son to come home. Or is it he shepherd who leaves everything he has and goes looking for his one lost lamb? Or is it both? Or is it neither? I would like to believe that is both.

Think outside the box which could really a circle.

Yeshua said "I AM THE TRUTH." Who but the Eternal would dare make such a statement? He was either a liar, a lunatic or Lord. ***C.S Lewis said that AND IT'S CALLED THE GREAT TRILEMMA.

So why did I start smoking again? Stupid, dumb or nuts. And weak. I believe Yeshua directs my heart to use my weakness to prove a point. Similar to how He asked Hosea to marry a prostitute. And this time I'm not going to hide it like I've done in the past. In my weakness may His power be shown.

Yeshua's Shalom.

***Check out Lewis's book Mere Christianity.

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