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Saturday, December 26, 2009


On this earth I believe God gives us many gifts, number one being the gift of his Son, Jesua. Then there are childhood friends like Earl, best friends like Al and Kathy, bestest friends like Carolyn and last of all special adult friends like Jen who are angels in disguise.

Once upon a time in a land not so very far away there once lived a fairy princess who one day would be queen. She was given a gift by the Gift Giver. Like all gifts of this special type, this one could only be given once to whomever she chose to bestow it.  "Bestow" is a gift giving word. A gift has no real meaning until it is bestowed--given away.  No strings, no wings and no seems or dreams, a gift must be.  She decided to give her gift to an old dried up worm of a man who least deserved it, yet had only one good quality: broken-ness. So when old worm man was offered the gift he bowed his head in submission to her will and simply said "thank you." Worm man was instantly changed into who he had been forever destined to become: Connection Man.

As the new year approaches I would ask us all one extremely important question: "Who are you connected to--Really?  The answer to this question can not only change the way we think about ourselves, also the way we think about others and ultimately the way we think about the Giver of Life who offers His Friendship to all.

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