The following responses were to "friends" on Facebook. Both are really my friends: Ray from a long time ago and Kayla a new teen-age friend. Here is Ray's question: So Don, I'm only asking because I don't know. Not trying to argue or be difficult. So many have abused our Lord's name in so many ways. Is YESHUA Greek or Hebrew & where has the name been? Thanks Don
And my response:
It is the Hebrew name given to our Lord by his Parents, Mary and Joseph as instucted by the angel Gabriel. It's been there from the eigth day when he was circumciszed and pronounced: Yeshua, son of Abraham, Son of God. Most messianic Jews call Jesus "Yeshua". Check out Utube under "Yeshua". There are ome great videos and testimonies, etc. Also, there seems to be a false sect out there which calls our Lord "Jeshua" with a "J" which I believe may be Gnostic. I could be wrong.
In the Movie "the Passion of the Christ" which has English subtitles, the Aramaic language is used which is the common Hebrew. Listen as the Messiah is called Yeshua.
It's interesting that a group of believers who professes to be like the original new testament church, was and is so angolizied (including myself) that we have been westernized so much and have turned the followers of the Way into a religious organization who don't know or use the original name of our Savior--which is exactly what Yeshua (which means, God's Savior) said "You call me Lord Lord...and I will say I don't know you". Who are you people, your rules are more important than relationships. And not using his Hebrew name is only one example of the "human rules" that have legalized the Spirit of Yeshua.
I appreciate your interest in this Ray. I have been researching this for some time and have only resently become more vocal in my daily life.
It's like I am unable to keep silent about it. Probably get me kicked out of the Church of Christ, except--oh yeah, I already was.
There are so many believers and God fearers out there who are amazed when I just start talking about Yeshua and not all the religious crap of "organized Christianity" that has so turned them off. The common people "sinners and Republicans"--:) (that's a joke Ray) are as fascinated with Yeshua as they were when he walked on this earth 2100+ years ago.
I belive that Yeshua was there in the beginning with God and Was God and He was as of yet not manifested in the flesh so technically there wasn't the "Father/Son relationship. I think "trinity theology" can sometimes be confusling to us mere mortal, except to Texicans :). God had not "become flesh" ... See Morenor dewelt with us as a human. I believe God is One. Yeshua came to show us what God "looks like" if you will-- in every possible way.
Ray, have you ever read the Shack? Great book, great story and mind expanding, at least it was for me. God's "earth" name, the name the angel told Mary to name her child, his Jewish name was and is Yeshua.
At least I've never heard ignorant people take the name of Yeshua and turn it into a curse word. Probably some have and do, and most "Christians" don't even know it's the original name of the Savior. Like the Church it has been angolosized and westernized and denominasized until it is nothing like the Master "called us out" to be which is simply disciples and followers of the Way/Truth/Life: Yeshua.
May you have Yeshua's Shalom.
And this was Kayla's question: Why don't Jewish people believe Yeshua is the Messiah? :C You'd think they would, seeing as he was Jewish, right? I don't get it. :C
My response: Great question? Many Jewish people do believe in Yeshua. Sometimes these people are known as Messianic Jews. When they proclaim their faith they are often kicked out of their families which is exactly what Yeshua said would happen: " Father against son, mother against daughter..." Check out UTUBE under the name "Yeshua" there are a lot of beutiful songs and videos and also testimonies of Jews who have given their lives to Yeshua. All the original disciples and Paul were Jews and they were greatly persecuted for their faith as our many Jews today.
In closing this blog I'd like to share a few thoughts. I was once a pharisee of pharisees. So I know there is a danger here.
So, why make such a big deal out the name of Jesus? For one it is the only name under heaven by which one can be saved. It is the name we are to confess before others that we believe he is the one who lived and died for us and rose on the third day. I mean it's just a name...
Hardly. It is THE NAME. Maybe we can at least pronounce it correctly, don't you think?
Yeshua saves, I understand that and no we are not saved by his name. Him.
Well we could call God "GAD", it's only a name, right? You decide.
How important is your name to you? It's a new perspective if nothing else.
It is at the name of Yeshua that every knee will one day bow. Heaven declared it, let's use it, after all it is the Name of Names, the Name above every name.
Yeshua's Shalom.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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1 comment:
"It's interesting that a group of believers who professes to be like the original new testament church, ... who don't know or use the original name of our Savior"
LOL! Considering the "original new testament church" as well as the New Testament itself used "IESOUS" (with an I, not a Y or J).
Obsessed much with something the original church didn't give a damn about? I think so.
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