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Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Father's Name is Art and he Lives in Heaven

When I was a little kid growing up in the Mojave desert in California, I remember those Sundays when the congregation prayed in unison "The Lord's Prayer". I didn't understand most of it but it's where I first learned that God's first name was "Art".

It was the only time I can remember when they used God's first name. I didn't know much about God but I knew where he lived and I new his first name. I don't remember this exactly, but I'm sure I once must have asked my Dad (whose name was Harry): "Daddy",(that's what my sisters Betty & Debi and brother Bill & I always called him), "Daddy, what's God's Last Name?"

Dad said, "Son (he always called me son) why do you think God has a last name?" I said, "well everyone's got a last name, what's Art's?" Dad said, "Whose Art?" "You know", I said, "that's God's first name, remember every Sunday when we pray together in church we all pray to our Father Art who is in heaven!"

Well Dad, somehow kept a straight face and without missing a beat, said: "Son, God's, ah Art's last name is Jehovah." I said , "well what do you know about that, Art Jehovah. Thanks Daddy." And with that question answered I went out to play "cowboys and Indians" or hunt for horney toads with my best friend Richie Snerlly.

I loved to talk to "Art" when I was a little kid. I'd be laying in the bottom bunk of the bunk bed (Bill always slept on top)and I'd talk and make up songs and sing them to my Heavenly Father, Art. After awhile I'd say well, I guess I better get to sleep, I'll let you go, I'm sure some other little boy is waiting to talk to you, too. Goodnight Art. Sleep tight. And I drifted off asleep safe and secure, wrapped in the arms of the invisible, only and all powerful Immanuel.

Well, some of the above story is true. And some is the imagination of the "little boy, Donny" who still lives deep inside of me.

So what's so important to me about this? Really? It's the unquestioning faith and trust I had in my earthly Dad, Harry and in my Heavenly Dad, Art. I didn't "know" a lot but I knew I was taken care of and nothing on this earth would hurt me--not even the big alligators my brother Bill said were under the bed.

I'm not sure how all little Jewish boys prayed. I am very convinced that when Jesus was a little boy he called his earthy and heavenly father by the same name: Abba which could very easily be translate, "Daddy". And I believe as he grew into the only human being who ever lived on this earth without sinning even one time, would daily pray:

My Daddy who is Heaven. How Holy is Your Name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done
Here on earth as it has always been done in Heaven.
Would You please give me this day what I really need (bread--both physical and spiritual)?
Please forgive those who hurt me by sinning as I give my life for them.
And keep me from the evil one who tempts me every single chance he gets.
For Yours is the Kingdom (Eternal Rule) in my life.
Yours is the ultimate Power.
And Yours is the Glory forever and ever.

Goodnight Daddy. I love You.

May this same all knowing and caring God wrap His loving arms around you and your family. Really.


Don and Carolyn said...

Thanks Mr. Anonymous.

Unknown said...

Don, you are so totally awesome. I mean it.

Don and Carolyn said...

Thanks Katie, whoever you are. I give all credit and glory to the God that made me and saves me by the blood of His Son, Jesus.